Abilities and Spells:
%Roll: Character Classes: Bring page to top
01-04: Animationist
05-08: Argonaught
09-12: Assassin
13-16: Bard
17-20: Conjurer
21-24: Deminaught
29-28: Divinationist
29-31: Druid
32-34: Empath
35-37: Enchanter
38-40: Fate
41-43: Forest-Knight
44-46: Gladiator
47-49: Guardian
50-52: Healer
53-55: Illusionist
56-58: Juggernaught
59-61: Light Weaver
62-64: Magician: %Roll: Magician Classes: Bring page to top
01-33: Elemental Magician
34-66: Locust Magician
67-00: Magician
65-67: %Roll: Monk Classes: Levels:
01-50: Shintar: [6-8] [9-11] [12-14] [15-17] [18-20] [21-23] [24-26] [27-29]
[30-32][33-35] [36-38] [39-41] [42-44] [45-47] [48-50] [51+]
Levels: Note: Place a %Roll chart in each of these for randoms.
51-00: Vekkarian: [6-8] [9-11] [12-14] [15-17] [18-20] [21-23] [24-26] [27-29]
[30-32][33-35] [36-38] [39-41] [42-44] [45-47] [48-50] [51+]
68-70: Mutant
71-73: Mystic
74-76: Necromancer
77-80: Psychic
81-83: Recorder
84-86: Shaman
87-88: Spiritualist
89-91: Supernaturalist
92-94: Thief
95-97: Trainer
98-00: Warrior
All the books are being focused on, but many more abilities and spells will be added into the web page format from the PDF version, and the Cluster Book.